Join The Thermalist™Journal

Knowledge is the key to change

Hello - and welcome to The Thermalist Journal and Community with Dr. Susanna Søberg. This is my Journal website:

I’m a bestselling international author, Phd in metabolism and expert in cold and heat exposure.

My debut book Winter swimming is out in 13 languages and Thermalist is my new book published in Danish (Denmark, where I live) in 2023.

Today I focus on science communication and teaching. There has been a huge interest in my insights in cold and heat therapy, so I started the Soeberg Institute where you can find all my information. (what is this? I’ll get back to that at the bottom of this post).

The Thermalist Journal is my extended newsletter in everything health. In this Journal I’ll dive in to various health topics to give you answers and tools related to health.

In short: This will be my weekly science digest. As an author and scientist, this is a fantastic way of teaching in real time. No lead time, just here and now interaction about health with you.

And I’m inviting you in!

For a fuller explanation: Here’s why I launched this project.

The Journal is: Learnings in Metabolism, thermogenesis, exercise, mental health, physical health - all sorts of exciting science - translated by me to layman language, so you will benefit today. The purpose with the Journal is to give you information and tools so you can act today to improve and level up your life.

The Journal is NOT: Personalized medical advice, or a Journal only about cold and heat exposure. If you’re only looking for my specific expertise in cold and heat exposure, I’ll point you to the courses I have made for this:

The Thermalist Education

Read about it in below announcement and check out the educational content on the website.

As seen in…

The Thermalist Journal is about leveraging a natural and holistic lifestyle using modern science to perform better and live healthier. My principles, science, books, The Thermalist Approach, and my clear way of teaching has been noticed and mentioned by world renowned scientists. An example and a colleague of mine is Professor Andrew Huberman from Stanford University and host of the successful HubermanLab Podcast. For that I’m truly honored.

Furthermore, my work has been discussed by comedian and podcaster Joe Rogan. His podcast is #1 most listen to podcast in the world. Yes - the biggest podcast! Here are a few examples of the episodes: The Joe Rogan experience and here. I’m grateful that my passion for science and this space is being noticed and appreciated. This gives me motivation to teach you even more of what I know.

In the broader media my work has been featured in Vogue, Women’s Health Magazine, The Times, The Wall Street Journal… etc.

I have a vision for now and one down the line for people joining the community and Thermalist Instructors (an education in the making). I can’t wait to develop the most fantastic community in this space. And I’m inviting you to come along!

There is a need in this world to do extraordinary efforts and services to combat the increasing incidence of obesity, anxiety, depression, and suicide.

I will provide you Health, Time and Money

I’m delaying writing a third book to focus on providing us with information in real time. I couldn’t do this without your support. The goal is to use the resources from this project to get the best information for us all. To devote my time to dig out answers to your questions from different scientific angels.

Hence, I’ll be offering options for subscribers to this newsletter: Free, Member, and Founders.

I want you to experience what this project is about and whether it’s worth becoming a member of The Thermalist Journal.

I’ll be encouraging everyone to become a subscribing Member. This project is supplanting my books for the near future because I think this direction is a way of working in real time - a new way as an author. The feedback and conversations are instant, whereas with my books and your feedback comes years after writing them. I’ll continue writing my third book, but both ways will work great in parallel.

The goal with the Member subscriptions is that you gain more money and time than the monthly cost.

Health is Actually Wealth!

Consider the people who finally lost weight or got back their spirit and courage to live because of something they read in this newsletter. Scientists at Johns Hopkins ran all the numbers and found that people who drop from obese to overweight or overweight to normal weight save an average of $18,000 to $36,000 across a lifetime. Or there’s the people who applies some of my principles, ideas, and digest of science from my recent newsletters, podcasts, books and Thermalist courses to their lives and business: They have increased their focus, mood, and revenue by 50 percent or more! Incredible stories. And I’m happy that my science and insights bring health and a living for people.

Time passes so quick

When we talk about time, we’re talking about getting more of it. In the present time, we all know it’s not possible. Unless it could come from cutting out unhelpful habits hindering you or clogging your schedule. Or it could be more years of life. That would in fact give you more time.

A young guy contacted me last year telling me, that my work and advice led him to believe in himself and life again. Since then, these messages are coming more and more often. The cold water seems magical in its multi-effectful ways. But it’s not magic. It’s biology, physiology - and in my journal I’ll break it down.

Different studies suggest that weight loss and getting out of depression likely adds 10 to 14 years to life. Or there are the people who started exercising again, whether through running, weightlifting or other activities. That’s giving them, on average, seven extra years.

But it’s of course not just about money and future years. It’s about living better—right now and that’s the key to live better for longer. That’s how you get more time! Again, that’s the tense of living, that we’re after.

The Three options

I’ll be offering three subscriptions to this publication: Free, Member, and Founding Member. Here’s what each gets you.

Free Subscription to The Thermalist Journal

A great but limited place to start

  • Short weekly posts and updates.

  • 1-2 monthly FREE articles.

  • Discounts and notifications on news: New courses, retreats, workshops - or what else is coming, you will be the first to know.

Member of The Thermalist Journal

Life-enhancing information that gains you far more money and time than its cost

  • Every Thermalist Journal posts, chat, and discussions (every week—all the good info, all the time).

  • Audio versions in the Substack App.

    Listening to the audio by Susanna or the Substack robot is great for people who likes to consume information while driving, exercising, cooking, cleaning, etc. You can listen to this post in the audio bar in the top. Just click play.)

  • Access to the archive of The Thermalist Journal posts.

  • Join the community to debate, ask, contribute, and gain knowledge at the very front with like-minded - and one of the leading experts in cold and heat therapy.

  • First notice on everything: New courses, education, workshops and retreats with limited seats.

  • Exclusive discounts from the health, fitness brands I use (I only recommend products I believe in and use myself. Here you really have an exclusive option to get great deals).

  • 15% off on the annual Thermalist Journal publication as PDF or copy of the book send to your address.

  • And more as the Journal grows…

Cost: $10/month or $100/year (get 10% off on the yearly subscription)

(Again: You’ll gain more time and money in the long run than the cost.)

Founding Member of The Thermalist Journal

For those who are all-in on living well and supporting my work

  • Everything in the “Member” subscription above

  • Free Thermalist Get Started course - US $249 value

  • Free annual Thermalist Journal book as PDF

  • 15% discount on the annual Thermalist Journal book send to your address.

  • And more as the Journal grows…

Cost: $299/year

That’s the deal.

Join and support - it’ll be awesome!

You’ll get your next Thermalist Journal post in your inbox every week. You’ll also have access to the latest articles in the archive.


Want to become a member now? I’d appreciate that.

I'll give you interesting and helpful news about my Thermalist® courses, books, new evidence, and everything that I think would fit our interests. If you upgrade to paid subscriber you get weekly posts and join the community and you get a long list of great things, which also supports me as an author.

Knowledge is the key to change!

- Susanna

If you find this community and opportunity inspiring - share this post with your friends - or gift them a Membership.

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Subscribe to The Thermalist® Journal

Providing you a direct line of broad public health science. Actionable learnings and tools to lower stress and lose weight in a modern life.


I'm a metabolic scientist, cold and heat expert, providing hands-on public health science directly to you!